Sunday, 15 February 2015

78weeks(19months) post first op and 48 weeks (11months) post the second operation- )

So on Monday I saw my CPN again, I haven't seen her since well before Christmas so this appointment was overdue.. So I though.. Apparently now because I am seeing a CBT therapist I am no longer allowed to see her and have appointments with her, it seems all the time and work, I've put in for her (thoughts sheets, feeling sheets) were a waste, she couldn't even look at them as it would be classed as interfering!  I am only allowed to go back o see her if I don't think CBT is working ( and even then she can't do much!). I find CBT ok I guess, I don't always understand what he is on about and some of it goes over my head but I dont think I've done it longer enough for it to help...I only have 3 or 4 sessions left, so I don't know where to go from tere to be honest. The flouxetine seems to be helping with my anxiety a bit, it's not as bad as it was. It's still there but I feel slightly happier and calmer, which is lovely!!!

Tuesday I went to my pain management appointment and there isn't really anything else apart from lasering every few monts they can do:/ I doubt I can stand leaving it for a long time, I keep getting flare ups. The PM doctor can also only suggest meds to my GP to help ( because of my other tablets I'm on) so I don't think I'll be allowed those.

Tomorrow is a new week- woo!! We are seeing mr Mehta tomorrow for an emergency appointment- my sister is having some trouble since her operation so our GP wants her to get check out as soon as really, meaning I get the dreaded SPECT ct scan ad then my ultra sound results off my physio as I have that tomorrow too!-  going to be a hell of a stressful long day.

Kirsty:) xxx

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