Sunday, 1 February 2015

77weeks (18months) post 1st op and 47weeks post 2nd-

Following on from last weeks post I'm going to write something that's been on my mind a lot since I saw my CBT therapist for he first time Wednesday.
I've been thinking a lot about feelings, words and reactions, my CBT therapist wanted to get an idea of how I thought about myself and how I see the way I looked/felt and the actions that came after and a big thing that came up was self worth, like how much you are liked by people and how you judge your worthiness by that, well this is how by therapist got me to think of it, not everyone needs to like you and you are going to like everyone, just because 1 person like you and thinks your stupid/ worthless that doesn't mean everyone, the whole world does, there are plenty of people who like you for you. He got me to think of my college course and think about why people liked me there, it wasn't because of the way I looked or the way I acted, it was because we had a common interest which I think helped. They actually like me for me, they didn't push me away because I was different.

Everyone is there own person, not everyone is the same, it's what make us unique and us, well, us.  Nobody, your friends shouldnt care how you look, or define you by height, weight, or how you look. If they do then, they aren't friends at all. When you are feeling down, sad, depressed, upset just think about all the good things that make you, you, like your smile, your laugh, it could be anything. If it els repeat it out load- sound silly right? But try it it may help! CBT therapy is all about looking at how you think and act, challenging it then changing it. Which might help.

I know this post is a little off topic but in ways it's not. It's a living problem people have to face.
I just want people to know they are not alone and like for me there's People that can and do help.
Kirsty xxxx

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