Friday, 16 January 2015

75weeks (17months) post 1st op and 45 weeks (10months) post my second-

Guess what? JEMMA DID IT! just like I said she would! shes now 10 days post op and at home recovering! she came home Wednesday(8days post op) after spending 2 days on HDU and the rest of the days on the ward, I have never ever ever been any more proud of my sister that I have been in the past 10days! her operation was 7 hours and 45mins long and her spine is now fused from T3/4-L2! she has had an AMAIZNG correction! ill be adding her xray photos and a few photos from her hospital stay down below. She found it so tough and hard but she proved to herself she could do it. I mean she stood the day after her operation and walked 3 days post op! awesome and amazing work!

this past few weeks I have been having physio for my shoulder and back but sadly it hasn't been working, it still causes me great bad pain and apparently it does stick out:( my physio is on about getting a scan on my shoulder blade and shoulder to see if any damaged was done and I may have to see a shoulder specialist! I have physio again in 2 weeks, and we will see if its made any difference if not I may be discharged:/
I have my nuclear bone scan  next Monday (eekk!) I will admit im quite scared!, purely because its at a different hospital and its involves an injection (very needle phobic!) I will be at the hospital for most of the day and the scan itself takes 1hour! after that it wil just be the wait for the results, which again im so nervous for!
I have been struggling the past few weeks, my lower back pain is going crazy, I have probably been over doing things when jem was in hospital but paracetamol and my TENS isn't working at all.  Since the weather is colder my sensitive patches on my body have been playing up, its more noticeable and annoying, I can wait to see pain management again in hope they can do  something about it! my appointment for that has been brought forward 2 weeks as it is now 14h march!

Well things with my weight etc haven't been too good either, ive lost more weight- im now 41kg! I really am struggling I am trying my hardest and im still waiting for my appointment with the CBT therapiest and now a psychiatrist as my GP has said I need more help. I am still been closely monitored every 2 weeks still:/ there is some goo news I have an appointment with a dietician its on the 4th of march (ill be 1 year post my second op then!) im hoping she/he can help me, as I certainly need it I guess.

here are some photos of jems hospital stay and her back before and after. and also this is a photo of my back now!:)
Kirsty xxxxx

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