Sunday, 4 January 2015

73weeks(17mobths) post 1st op and 43weeks(10mobths) post 2nd op-

My twin sister's (Jemma) operation is very fast approaching, I mean seriously, she is going into hospital tomorrow night for her operation on Tuesday 6th! I'm getting nervous, more nervous Than i was for mine that's for sure. I am now starting to understand how my family felt when I had my operation, the stress, the worry, the fear, and then the unknowns of recovery. It's hard but as a person that has gone through e surgery I am getting the picture that us who are the ones going through it have this amazing ability to cope!- sure you'll cry, yes it will be hard and you won't be 100% pain free but we as patients are strong and find our own unique ways to battle it out and come thought. One thing is for sure-you will!!
I remember the days leading up to my operation, everyone was faffing, asking questions and well to be making a huge fuss! Sure ts a massive operation but what I (not everyone) wanted was normality and space. I didn't like the constant thing of asking how I was feeling about because well, of course i was scared and didn't know what to expect around the corner, but the last thing I wanted to do was have a break down in front of everyone, I didn't want to put that extra bit of stress on my family, so I found my little way of coping and that was through music!:) I loved listening to music at the best of times ( doesn't everyone?) but I found I could actually have time to my self and get my head around things when I just had switch off from everyone, there's nothing wrong with it!:)

I remember my admission night in hospital the day before my operation- wow-  I never knew hospital could be that annoying! I was on the adults ward as I turned 18 before booking it in but they let my mom stay etc ( how sweet your probably thinking?- well it was in ways but you've never heard her snore!!). It was weird, wasn't quite but it wasn't noisey, there was grannies pressing there panic buttons every few minutes and then you had the nurses stamping there feet, But luckly I had a side room do I shut my door and tried to drown the noise out abit- I still didn't sleep mind you!

I had pre med at 7:45am in the morning and boy it good- by that I actually mean I don't remember anything! My sister said I through a questionnaire at one of the nurses and was talking aloud of rubbish. Me and my teddy ( spud!) was wheel down to theathre about 8:15am to get all sorted for half past, I don't remember a thing! 12 hours later I came out of theathre and my family saw me in Hdu at 9:30pm. I looked dreadful- but you going to! It didn't hurt as you have morphine and lots of other drugs and to be honest I mainly slept that night the next day and for a number of days after.
In total I spent around 10/11 days in hospital, I sat up at the edge of my bed 1say post op, stood up on the second and took 2 steps and sat in a chair on my 3rd! I didn't anything else untill I was 5/6days post op purely because something happened with my lungs ( or something, I have no idea!!) either way that and the fact I had to have blood etc et. Each day did get better, I faced a new challenge yes, but as I commented earlier, it's amazing how we adjust and cope!

I will go further into detail soon on another post but in the mean time, I have a date for my spect CT scan! It's on the 19th of jan, it looks like a whole day thing as I will be there from 12:30-4pm! (damn you nuclear dye) it will show if I have fused or not and for other problems as everything that's wrong will light up- kinda like a Christmas tree! I'm nervous about it as I'm scared of needles but it's got to be done:) I had physio on the 29th of December- he thins I may have done something to my shoulder when ax knocked me over so he wants me to go for a scan and maybe see a shoulder specialist! The fun eh? Well that's all for now as my arm is hurting from writing all that haha.

Kirsty xxxxxx

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