This week started off with me having an appointment with my GP, it was to check how I'm getting on with the anti depressants and for my blood test results. Well there has been a big sickness bug going around my area for a while and she caught it, as well as 1 other doctor and 2 nurses, meaning she phone in sick, no appointment for me yippie!! Lol.
On Thursday Jem had her pre op which was eventful, everything was going well untill they came to do a blood test and then bam! Jemmas veins decide they don't want to play. It took3 hours 3 nurses, 1 stressed out doctor and the anethatist do find a vein, they all had preveiously taken it in turns separately but it was none successful, poor Jem had7/8 needles poked in her in total, so she wasn't Impressed. Another things we found out was Jemma is having her operation on the 6th of Jen and not the 7thmeaning it has been brought forward a day. Se is being admitted on the 5th though to finsh off the tests etc.
Tomorrow I am seeing my CPN ( oh the fun!) I am Hoping she is still pleased with my progress as I am trying, but we shall see! I am also starting physio on Tuesday (16th) at ROH, we had a phone call Friday asking ifi could make that time and date, let's hope this will help..
Kirsty xxxx
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