Wow well I cannot believe around a year ago I started writing this blog! I did not expect the reaction I have gotten off it all , to be honest, I started this blog of too have a place where I could express my feelings and thoughts about my back and life. is so nice to have people that have actually benefitted from me writing about my journey! so thankyou to you all:)
So to kick off last week was a little bit of a shocker, my sister had a phone call from the hospital to say her operation on her Scheuermanns will be in early January 2015 (7th or the 8th) she is terrified but her back is hurting her more and more so she knows its going to be worth it. She has another pre-op date, which is on the 10th of December, she is still needle phobic so we will see how it all plan outs haha!
well to start this week off I saw my cpn, she is impressed so far with what im doing and I have to carry on doing what im doing, im still waiting for my appointment to see a dietician but she is now sending a referral for talking therapy (CBT!) I don't really like talking to people especially people I don't know so I really don't know how this is going to work, I see her again in like 2 weeks, she is trying to stop it from getting any worse. but she can only do so much on her own.
on Tuesday I saw my GP again, I think she likes to keep a close on everything. My ECG I had last week came back good which was good to hear! on the down side she weighed me and ive lost more weight! im now 42kg so ive lost around 1kg/1.5kg in 2/3weeks! she didn't seem very happy at all so she is chasing up my referral for the dietician. My cpn has also requested medication AGAIN! so even though my gp didn't really want to, ive now started citalopram 10mg, I have to take it at night so the side effects are less, my GP or anyone doesn't know how its going to react to my body, well so far I feel so sick, have a head ache and im constantly tired! I am also having to have to have my blood test retaken (perfect!) just so she can keep an eye on it I guess. Ugh I hate blood tests.
here os a photo of my scars I took the other day, its looking so nice and faint!, I mean you can barely see it, which is a shame for me as I love it! it shows what I've been through and how far I've come. this past few days though ive been having bad pain in my lower back, its feels like a lot of pressure is there, im hoping it will go on its own.
Kirsty:) xxxxx
Great effort to record your journey so well Kirsty! I wish you well moving forward.