Last Monday I saw my CPN for the very first time, I was so nervous, I didn't want her to think what I was saying was stupid, the appointment lasted well over an hour so she could get an idea of why I was there,I know have to write a food diary untill I see her next and write a list of foods I will and won't eat, that's a challenge in its self as there isn't many foods I can think of that I can't actually say I like haha! I also had to go see a gp Wednesday, the one I saw the,at time had no appointments, and the CPN wanted me to go on some anti depressents as they could help, but this GP wouldn't give me anything, I couldn't eve have pain relief for my back that has been hurting a bit lately! Apparently they would all knock me about to much and she wasn't happy giving them to me with my weight, she even had a fit when I told her I was taking 2paracetamol 4 times a day for my back, apparently this is an overdose? I thankfully manage to talk myself out of getting admitted to hospital for a check up because of it!
This week has been quite boring really, I haven't done much other than try and sort jimbo out, it's still very hard and I get tired. The CPN rang on Tuesday to check if I was ok, which I thought was lovely! It was a suprize when I answered the phone and she was talking .
I am taking paracetamol daily now for the pain near my hooks and my pain in my lower back but it doesn't do much if at all anything. I see mr Mehta again next Monday so we will hopefully get to find out what's going on with my back, I hope nothing bad is wrong. I also see my GP Tuesday, so f all goes to plan I can try and get something to help, hopefully of course!
In other news, jimbo isn't very well, he has now got athritis in all of his 4 legs, the back ones aren't as bad as his front but it is still there, we have to keep him as mobile as possible as it would help. What is worrying the most is because jimbo is drinking tons and tons of water which isn't like him at all, jim hardly drinks anything in his Stanley but he has been drinking loads. He also isn't eating his tea, he will eat hay and grass but that's it so the vet was to test his bold to check his liver and kidney are ok. I really hope they are, but if it is apparently in the early stages there Is medications
That can try and help it but there is no gaurentee it will work. :(
Kirsty sxxxxxx
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