Friday, 15 August 2014

53weeks (12months) post 1st op and 23weeks(5months) post 2nd op- Onwards and Upwards?

Well the end of last week and this week have been full of surprises, not really good ones though, they are really things I could have well done without! On Thursday or Friday I received the letter off my consultant the NRC needed for my interview and college course, wasn't what I hoping for at all, My spine hasn't either fused or fully fused so it means im not aloud to do High impact things or anything that could damage my hardware, spine or fusion. Its a massive blow as he also said he doesn't suggest them testing my fitness ability, so no fitness test! I rang the college see what to do and they have told  me not to bother turning up to the interview and apply this time next year when im more able, fit and I have the all clear. I have to admit I was so upset I read the letter as it was something I was looked forward to and trying to work toward:( I have no idea really what do to with my life now, im thinking of trying my back up plan which is in Health care, maybe a health care assistant or something? Not sure but either way I don't think I have very long to apply if I want to to it as colleges start back in September!
On The other hand On Wednesday, one of my horses knocked me over and I landed flat on my back, as I went to get up I had this nasty burning pain going up my spine and back, it hurt really bad. it still hurts now so my mom rang the hospital and they directed us to the ward where I had my operation, they got a registrar to try and sort it out, I was hoping for an xray or something but no, he got one of my old xrays and said i DONT have anything he can see that can move or break, hmm what about those 2 rods, 22screws and 4 hooks? not forgetting that bone graft! he says i most likely have just bruised it. they have forwarded a note to my consultant and he will say if he thinks i need my appointment bringing forward or if my back still hurts on Monday i have to ring them up and tell them. i hope it isn't nothing seriously or anything at all but surely we cant find out unless they see it.
Oh well i guess we cant do anything until Monday hopefully the pain subsides but i doubt it.
Kirsty xxxxx

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