Saturday, 28 June 2014

46weeks(11months) post 1st op and 16weeks(4months)post 2nd op-

This week has been great! I feel like I am finally starting to get my life back on track and I feel better this week than I have since the firs operation can this mean i'm on the mend to getting fully better? On Thursday I started my Laser acupuncture therapy, it was quite weird, its like a massive torch type thing that heated up, it then was put either side of my scar, my ribcage and my left thigh individually and it took around 30mins. The only down side to this is I have to wear lovely fashionable hospital gowns and some funky big sun glasses! I am having 3 more treatments of this and we will then review if it is working, if it does then I will get top ups every 4months if it doesn't then im not actually sure whats next (if there EVEN is a next), my next one is the 17th july.

Friday I was at a taster day at The Northern Racing College, it was fab, I really like it there, so I am defiantly going to Apply to do the 18week residential course there. (well it is a 12 week residential course and then 6 weeks work experience) The horses seem lovely and it looks a nice place, id love to learn about race horses. I am still uncertain on whether or not to ride there, they don't think I should as falling off is bound to happen, it will happen to most people usually the falls aren't bad but they could be, it only takes one fall and I could break my back or something or damage the very few vertebrae I have left, put that on top of other aspect of the course, my back probably wont cope. the non-ridden course does sound good though, you learn and do everything that the riders do minus the riding. The fitness test to get in is another story in its own it seems very hard, you have to get around a 7 on a bleep test and do other things like sit-ups, planking and so on. If you then get accepted you have to do Military Fitness 3 times a week which is part of the evening classes, its 7am-9pm days and you work one weekend then have from 11:30am(Saturday) until Sunday evening off the next one. I cant wait to send my application form off and see how everything goes,:)

More to the point today is International Scoliosis Awareness day, the only day people from all across the world team up in aid to raise awareness of this condition. people do fundraisers and other meet up in London (Hyde park) with SAUK the UK's only charity to raise money, awareness and help people that need it. Scoliosis Often leaves suffers feeling alone and have a massive affect on how they see themselves, I wanted to chance this, so a while back I started to write my personal story for SAUK which a few days ago I finished sent in and it was put on the website. I do not want people feeling the way I did as it didn't have to be the way and there was people to help..
So here is the link to my Personal story-
I have also put some photos from Friday at the northern racing college!
Kirsty:) xxxxx

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