Saturday, 31 May 2014

42 weeks(10months) and 12weeks(3months) post op- fading and forgetting?

When things no longer seem so dramatic, scary and worring, people start to loose interest. Well that's how it seems to feel anyway. Our brains go into over drive when something hard happens everybody wants to know how you are and just want constant updates on you there is a lot of support around you when you need it the most, more than you probably think. Its the 2 times now I have been in hospital recovering from my operations made me realise this, but it's not untill after the event has happened we stop and think how life changing it has been.
As it happens it's natural just to keep our head down and keep up the battle but it's when we finally procees what has actually happens people start to loose a lot of interest as they think it's over and done with but it's us that have the long long recovery.  It's hard when everyone, friends, family have stories of going out shopping or going for a hack in my case and all I had to say was the struggles of doing daily things like shuffling down the road or not even even able to put my own shoes and socks on.
For me it times lke this when life is truly put into perspective, while they are stressed over 'little' things like not being able o ride as it raining or other things, it hit me what actually could be lying around the corner from them.

Throughout my Entire journey with scoliosis, scheuermanns kyphosis and the surgery there hasn't been one day gone by when I haven't thought about my will never leave you but like your scar(s) they will eventually fade and while It may seem now like people don't care or support you it's just that they have there own lives,  there own problems and other things that happen in life .
So if you are reading and feeling like nobody cares  just keep in mind, just because people don't speak doesn't mean they don't care or are not supporting you because they more than likely are.
Kirsty xxxx

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