Tuesday, 1 April 2014

34 weeks (8months post op) - one month post second operation!!

So I am 4 weeks post my second operation to trim my left rod! Wow I cant actually believe it has been a months, it doesn't even seem that long! Everything is getting slightly better and I did manage to go see my horse on both Saturday and Sunday for a few hours, I may have just stood there but it is a start just like the last time and it is going take its time. Oh well ill get there I'm sure!
I have been having a few problems with my scar, not with healing in such but it just feels so strange and irritating around it. I never had this irritating feeling with my first scar and it is a lot longer but it feels so vile when clothes touch it and in general I just have this constant feeling! I also have a loose stitch type of thing which is at the bottom of my the new scar it is like a greeny/yellowy colour, I really don't know what to do about it as it never happened with the last one and they are dissolvable stitches so I am not too sure why it has happened, I guess it is another thing im going to ask about when I see my surgeon in a few weeks!
kirsty xxxx

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